Problem Solving and Root Cause Analysis for New PMs 🎯

Identify root causes and addressing them with the right tools

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Hey there! It’s Areesha today :)

Most aspiring PMs and even starting-out PMs want to master the well-regarded concept of “root-cause analysis and problem-solving”.

So that’s what we’re diving into today. Woohoo! 🥳

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Solving Problems as a Beginner Product Manager

Let’s be real, customer complaints and product problems frustrate us and we don’t know what to do about it. 😫

Yeah, it happens to the best of us, new PM.

But there’s this systematic approach to problem-solving that fixes everything.

Root Cause Analysis

Yep, I know you know what it’s called. That’s why you’re here. 😉

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What is Root Cause Analysis (RCA)?

RCA is a systematic approach to identifying the underlying cause(s) of a problem, not just the symptoms. By addressing the root, you prevent recurrence and ensure long-term product success.

Benefits of RCA

Let’s understand why it’s important for product managers to learn root cause analysis.

  • Informed decision-making: Data-driven RCA helps you avoid shocks and choose the right solutions.

  • Improved user experience (UX): By understanding why users struggle, you can fix the core issues impacting their experience.

  • Reduced rework: Identifying the root cause prevents wasting time and resources on temporary fixes.

  • Proactive problem solving: RCA helps you anticipate and mitigate potential issues before they arise.

Conducting an Effective RCA as a New PM

Here are the steps to conducting an effective root cause analysis as a new PM.

Define the Problem Clearly 🖊

Avoid ambiguity. Utilize quantitative data (e.g., user feedback metrics, and declining conversion rates) to define the problem's scope and impact. Clearly define the issue to ensure a focused investigation.

Verify Data Accuracy 📈

Before proceeding, confirm the data's accuracy. Inaccurate data can lead to misleading conclusions. Double-check sources and ensure data reflects reality to avoid wasting time on false leads.

Ask Clarifying Questions ⁉

  • When it Started: When did the issue first appear? This helps identify potential triggers.

  • Impact & Who: How widespread is it? Is a specific user group or feature affected? Quantify the impact with data.

  • Stakeholder Insights: Talk to engineers, designers, and customer support to gain different perspectives.

Identify Potential Causes 👀

Employ a critical thinking approach. Identify all potential factors contributing to the problem, both internal (within your product or team) and external (market shifts, competitor actions).

Here’s a comprehensive example to help you identify potential causes of a major product problem.

Scenario: User sign-ups for your fitness app have significantly dropped in the past month.

Internal Causes:

  • Technical Issues:

    • Is there a bug in the sign-up process causing crashes or failed registrations?

    • Are there performance issues leading to slow loading times during sign-up?

  • Usability Challenges:

    • Is the sign-up form overly complex or confusing to navigate?

    • Does the app require too much personal information upfront, discouraging users from signing up?

    • Is the app's value proposition unclear during the sign-up process?

  • Process Inefficiencies:

    • Have there been recent changes to the marketing campaigns driving users to the sign-up page?

    • Are there any communication gaps between marketing and the product team regarding user acquisition strategies?

External Causes:

  • Market Fluctuations:

    • Have any recent changes in user preferences or fitness trends might be impacting the app's appeal?

    • Has there been a surge in the popularity of a competing fitness app with a more streamlined sign-up process?

  • Competitive Pressures:

    • Have any major competitors recently launched new features or promotions that might be attracting users away from your app?

Prioritize Your Hypotheses ⚡

Not all potential causes hold equal weight. Analyze data and user feedback to identify the most likely culprits. Consider:

  • Frequency: How often is this cause occurring?

  • Impact: How severely is it affecting the product and users?

  • Investigative Ease: How quickly and readily can you eliminate each cause from consideration?

Conduct Thorough Investigation 🧐

Focus on the most probable causes identified in the previous step. Depending on the suspected culprits, you might need to:

  • User Research: Conduct targeted user interviews or surveys to delve into their specific experiences.

  • User Behavior Analysis: Analyze user recordings (e.g., heatmaps, session recordings) to understand user interaction patterns.

  • Internal Data Review: Review internal data sources such as bug reports, support tickets, and team communication records for additional insights.

Identify the Root Cause 👁

Based on the gathered evidence, pinpoint the most likely underlying reason behind the problem. This is the true root cause, not a superficial symptom.

Develop and Implement Solutions ✔

Now that you've identified the root cause, it's time to craft a solution directly addressing it.

  • Short-Term Solutions: Consider temporary fixes to alleviate user pain while developing a long-term solution.

  • Long-Term Solutions: Develop a comprehensive plan that tackles the root cause and prevents future occurrences.

Monitor and Measure 🧮

Track the impact of your solution on the problem and key metrics. Did it effectively address the root cause? Be prepared to iterate and refine your solution as needed.

How to do that?

Let me explain this to you with an example.

Scenario: You identified a confusing user interface (UI) element as the root cause behind a high shopping cart abandonment rate on your e-commerce website.

Solution: You implemented a redesigned UI element that simplifies the checkout process.

Here’s how to go about monitoring and measuring the success of this solution:

  • Track Key Metrics:

    • Monitor the shopping cart abandonment rate after implementing the redesigned UI element.

    • Track metrics like conversion rate (percentage of visitors who complete a purchase) and time spent on the checkout page.

  • Analyze the Data:

    • Did the shopping cart abandonment rate decrease after the UI redesign?

    • Did the conversion rate and time spent on checkout improve?

  • Iteration and Refinement:

    • If the abandonment rate didn't improve significantly, it might indicate the root cause wasn't fully addressed. You might need to:

      • Conduct further user testing to identify any remaining issues with the redesigned UI.

      • Consider additional solutions like offering guest checkout options or adding progress indicators during checkout.

Tools to Conduct Effective RCA

In addition to the core RCA process, several valuable tools can enhance your effectiveness in conducting an RCA.

Brainstorming Techniques 🧠

  • 5 Whys: Ask "Why?" repeatedly to peel back layers and reach the root cause.

  • Fishbone Diagram (Ishikawa Diagram): Visually organize potential causes by categorizing them (e.g., people, materials, methods, machines).

Data Analysis Tools 🧰

  • Pareto Chart: Identify the most frequent or impactful causes using a bar chart.

  • Scatter Plot: Explore relationships between variables (e.g., user actions and error rates).

3. User Research Tools:

  • User Interviews & Surveys: Gain qualitative data directly from users to understand their experiences.

  • Usability Testing: Observe users interacting with the product to identify pain points and areas for improvement.

  • Heatmaps & Session Recordings: See how users navigate the product and identify areas causing frustration.

Key Takeaways for Product Managers

  • Focus on Root Causes, Not Symptoms: Don't just address surface issues. RCA dives deep to uncover the underlying reasons behind problems, leading to more effective and lasting solutions.

  • Embrace Data-Driven Decision-making: Rely on data (user feedback, metrics) to define problems, prioritize potential causes, and measure the impact of your solutions.

  • Collaboration is Crucial: Involve your team – engineers, designers, and customer support – throughout the RCA process. Their expertise brings valuable insights and fosters a collaborative problem-solving environment.

  • Sharpen Your Investigative Skills: Become a master of asking clarifying questions and narrowing the scope of the problem. This sharpens your focus and ensures you're on the right track.

  • Think Beyond the Product: Consider external factors like market shifts and competitor actions that might impact your product.

  • Become a Proactive Problem Solver: Don't wait for issues to arise. Regularly conduct RCAs to anticipate potential problems and prevent them altogether.

  • Embrace Iteration and Refinement: The perfect solution may not come immediately. Be prepared to analyze data, iterate on your solutions, and refine them until the root cause is effectively addressed.

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That’s all for today !

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Areesha ❤️ 

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